Infusing Culture

Making a kingdom difference wherever God has placed you. Be encouraged and encourage others to do the same.

Jesus calls us to be salt and light, change agents of the kingdom of God.

We like the metaphor of infusing, mainly because much of Seventy-two has emerged from conversation over good coffee! The challenge to be a thermostat, rather than a thermometer, is the challenge we share with leadership teams through the Re-imagine process as we are all influencers

Infusing Culture Articles and Resources

Expressive individualism. What is it? Part 1 of 3

Expressive individualism. What is it? Part 1 of 3

I was disappointed when "Brexit" wasn't accepted in a recent game of Scrabble—especially since it would have landed me a triple word score! I have a hunch it might already be included in a more current Scrabble dictionary. However, this contentious decision (it was my...

Thirsty – A dry and parched land

Thirsty – A dry and parched land

The first of a series of three on the desperate need for spiritual renewal in our lives, churches and land. churches and land. William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army is quoted as saying… ‘The chief danger that confronts the coming century will be religion...

Infusing Culture

Infusing Culture

We are now living within a post-modern secular cultural environment, which is increasingly challenging for Christians. Within living memory, the UK has shifted from regarding Christianity as the provider of a beneficial legacy, the values of which were for our benefit...

Holding the Light – Big Screens or small torches?

Holding the Light – Big Screens or small torches?

It was just a couple of days earlier that I had been exploring with one of our NWBA churches, the Gospel story of Jesus and the hungry crowd. But as I now sat in Hyde Park, with our late Queen's funeral being broadcasted to any ever-growing throng - it struck me that...

The Power of Presence

The Power of Presence

My friend was recently sharing with me his experience of serving as a chaplain to the queue to those attending the Queen’s Lying-in-State. As well as it being a deeply moving experience and the opportunities to listen, pray and care, he commented on the fact that...

Compassion, Mission and the Heart of God

Compassion, Mission and the Heart of God

I prayed a prayer at the beginning of January over a cup of good coffee, journal in hand, as I looked ahead into 2022: Lord, how do we serve and reach out effectively for you when we’re nearly two years into a pandemic? I’m still praying and digesting that prayerful...

Shine Like Stars

Shine Like Stars

“Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life” Philippians 2:15-16 As the seasons change at this time of year it is easy to feel the gloom descend.  Packing away the summer clothes, turning on the central heating &...