Inspiring Discipleship

Jesus is the one who calls us ‘come follow me’. The call to be a disciple of Jesus demands a wholehearted, whole life response, which identifies Jesus Christ as Lord.

What would Jesus look like in your shoes and situation? From the very first disciples until now, Jesus has been shaping and forming disciples to follow him in every place. Seventy-two recognises the nature of being life-long followers of Jesus gets tough for all of us, in different seasons of life. We aim to be a community of like-minded Jesus followers and invite all who recognise the Lordship of Jesus Christ to share in our journey of mutual discovery and encouragement. We follow as individuals, but if you have a leadership role within the church you will want to do your very best to cultivate an environment in which other disciples can grow and thrive. Today, personal discipleship is the most crucial issue for the church across the UK and we are calling everyone to this priority.

Inspiring Discipleship Articles and Resources

In The Eye of the Storm

In The Eye of the Storm

I love the wisdom we hear in Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." I’ve come back to focus on this, as I do again and again, as from a number...

Gift of Christmas

Gift of Christmas

Gift of Christmas - Jesus is alive! Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Jesus has come to deliver life in all its fulness. Some of the convictions we want to share with everyone, but for most people the first thing people identify Jesus with is … you’ve guessed...

Activating the Voice of God in Your Home

Activating the Voice of God in Your Home

Can we all hear the voice of God? What about our children and young people?  The incredible truth is that we have all been uniquely created by God and therefore have unique relationships with Him. The key to growing in confidence is learning how you hear best - which...

Divine Campaign: The Bible

Divine Campaign: The Bible

At the coronation of King Charles the Third, he was handed a Bible and was told these words… "Sir: to keep you ever mindful of the law and the Gospel of God as the Rule for the whole life and government of Christian Princes, receive this Book, the most valuable thing...

Divine Campaign: Creation

Divine Campaign: Creation

The heavens declare the glory of God;     the skies proclaim the work of his hands.Day after day they pour forth speech;    night after night they reveal knowledge.They have no speech, they use no...