Opening our doors to God: A Call to Prayer

Pray for the spiritual renewal of the church & the spiritual revival of Christianity across our nation.

We are calling all our Baptist churches and leaders to join us in prayer towards these ends.

Our God is a God of Hope. With a global climate crisis, a global pandemic and the threat of a global war we are renewing our faith and trust in God revealed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Our God is a God of Grace. With the on-going decline of the church, across the UK, we are recognising our need of a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the church.

We’re calling for churches, or groups to set aside an hour to pray each month. Start your own meeting, or join us in an hour of prayer, via zoom:

Next Opening our doors to God. Monday 9th. May 8am-9am.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 613 151 3005
Passcode: RENEWAL

Normally the first Monday of the calendar month.