Nov 22, 2021 | Inspiring Discipleship
The annual jamboree that is COP – the UN Climate Conference – is over. World leaders and representatives of the nations have returned home. Those from global corporations and business have gone back to their day jobs making the world go round. ...
Sep 3, 2021 | Inspiring Discipleship
The climate is changing. Not the political climate. Nor the economic one. Nor the cultural or social climate of our nation. Well, truth be told, these are always on the move. But no. I mean the Earth’s climate is changing. Unless you have failed to watch the news,...
Mar 4, 2021 | Inspiring Discipleship
I like a bit of wildness! I wonder what image that conjures up in your mind? Coming into my 60th year, perhaps of an aging rocker doing air guitar while head banging to loud music! But while rock music is part of my eclectic musical tastes, that’s not what I mean. ...
Sep 14, 2020 | Inspiring Discipleship
He sat down in front of the young adult group one Sunday evening. An Australian whom our minister had got to know. Let’s say his name was Roger. “Hello”, he began, “my name is Roger, I am a Christian and I am alcoholic”. To the ears of a very naive young Christian...
Jul 14, 2020 | Inspiring Discipleship
I’ve always found the Bible a bit odd. I mean, the beginning and the end. No, not the kind of questions it raises when placed aside the story of the cosmos told by science. I always found it odd in that it starts with a story of a garden. And ends with a story of...