Getting Started with the Discipleship Cycle

The Discipleship Cycle is a simple tool to encourage people to become more like Jesus and engage with those around them. You can do this on your own or connect with friends

The discipleship cycle is a simple way to read the Bible more intentionally, either on your own or with two or three others. It’s often best to choose a passage and stick with it – try reading Luke 10, the chapter from which we take the name Seventy-two, and see how God speaks to you through these verses over the next six months.


Listening to God, listening to others, and listening to ourselves are all important ways into hearing God’s voice, but our most reliable starting place is listening to God’s voice through scripture. Start with any passage and then read until something tempts you to reach for the highlighter pen.


Jesus did only what he ‘saw’ his Father doing also. What is God up to in the lives of those around me? God’s word may prompt us to look:

  • UP (Our relationship with God)
  • OUT (Our relationship with others)
  • IN (Our own authenticity)

We use DNA (Discipleship, eNgagement, Authenticity) as a shorthand for these.


Living out faithfully whatever God is speaking into our lives, sometimes in a hostile environment, has been our Christian vocation since the 1st Century. Obeying God often involves a change of will; if Jesus needed to consciously pray ‘not my will but yours’, how much more do we? It is, however, in obeying that we discover the reality of God, rather than remaining in our comfort zones.


Learning is at the heart of the meaning of the word ‘disciple’. We need to gain more than intellectual understanding – we need a change of heart if we are to reveal the likeness of Jesus day to day. Discerning where to sow the seed of God’s word, nourishing its growth, and then learning from the result, including our mistakes, is the way our heart will be changed.

Out nowโ€ฆ the Discipleship Cycle App

Download the Discipleship Cycle App and continue your discipleship journey at home or when you’re out and about in God’s mission

Reading Plans in the Discipleship Cycle App

Our reading plan for the year until December embraces the theme ‘Walking with Jesus’ as our weekday focus, with an opportunity to reflect on the Psalms each weekend. Using the Discipleship Cycle App you can record God’s word to you in every season and take the time to consider what other steps God may be calling you to take as the year unfolds.

Find out more about the Discipleship Cycle