Mar 2, 2018 | Inspiring Discipleship
Are we nearly there yet? If you have children, I expect you have heard that phrase more times than you care to remember. To them there is something about arriving that is the only thing that matters. Children can be so impatient, well to be honest can’t we all. For us...
Nov 28, 2017 | Infusing Culture
I don’t remember it well, but I do recall a neighbour when I was very young calling round to our house, knocking at the back door – which in itself is unheard of where I live now – and asking my mum for a cup of sugar, or a cup of something. I also recall...
May 16, 2017 | Igniting Mission
If I say ‘Postman Pat’, I would guess that most of you would find that a certain tune starts to wander through your brain and you think wistfully of a man, with a rather oversized head, who spends his time driving round Greendale in his little red van with Jess his...
Feb 17, 2017 | Inspiring Discipleship
What came first the chicken or the egg? Are you someone who thinks it must be the chicken in order to lay the egg? Or must be the egg in order to hatch into the chicken? Or perhaps you think it must be both because the egg was always inside the chicken? Or perhaps you...