Can the trickle become a flood?

Can the trickle become a flood?

I’ve just been thinking about a few conversations I’ve had, over the last two weeks, which have stirred my heart and made me wonder: can the trickle become a flood?  Four church leaders, four conversations, four times the repeated words: ‘and the great thing is, we’ve...
Appointed to Rebuild

Appointed to Rebuild

I want to introduce you to my friend Roman whom I met recently, as a result of an invitation by Future Leadership Foundation, who are focused on developing Christian leaders globally. He’s very focused on being called by Jesus Christ to follow him and serve the...
Empowering Leadership

Empowering Leadership

Empowering leadership … it sounds good doesn’t it, but what does it look like? That’s the question I’ve been asked, so here’s a stab at my answer as it comes to me today (definitely not the last words on this subject!). My response is counter-intuitive in the sense...
Infusing Culture

Infusing Culture

We are now living within a post-modern secular cultural environment, which is increasingly challenging for Christians. Within living memory, the UK has shifted from regarding Christianity as the provider of a beneficial legacy, the values of which were for our benefit...