Holding the Light – Big Screens or small torches?

Holding the Light – Big Screens or small torches?

It was just a couple of days earlier that I had been exploring with one of our NWBA churches, the Gospel story of Jesus and the hungry crowd. But as I now sat in Hyde Park, with our late Queen’s funeral being broadcasted to any ever-growing throng – it...
Faith Sharer: Carry On

Faith Sharer: Carry On

“Jesus told them a story. A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. So they organised a conference to help them better understand why this happened. Some argued that there needed to be...
I took the plunge….

I took the plunge….

Phil reflects on his first day on the Seventy-two stand at Spring Harvest Harrogate: Believe it or not I am quite a shy person. So having negotiated the exhibitors’ arrival bay, set the stand up, and eventually worked out where all the panels went I was faced with the...