Discernment: Interruptions on the road to Troas

Discernment: Interruptions on the road to Troas

One of my favourite stories in the development of the embryonic missional church planting movement recorded in the New Testament is Paul’s trip to Troas with a few of his companions. Paul, a seasoned campaigner of previous pioneering missional excursions, heads...
Rooting Church Planting in the Story of God

Rooting Church Planting in the Story of God

Church planting is a practice that has long existed in the Christian church; indeed it is as old as the church itself. The narrative of Acts records for us how early Christian communities are formed. Christian communities are formed as people respond to the Gospel. As...
Rooting Church Planting In The Story Of God

Rooting Church Planting In The Story Of God

Church planting is a practice that has long existed in the Christian church; indeed it is as old as the church itself. The narrative of Acts records for us how early Christian communities are formed. Christian communities are formed as people respond to the Gospel. As...