Formation Groups offers a new, effective tool aimed at equipping and nurturing people in Christian life. It presents a model of small groups which have proven accessible and attractive to many seeking a smaller, more flexible and more intentional means of connecting as disciples.

The idea is far from new, arguably it is ancient. Formation groups are small, intentional about discipleship – getting to the honest challenges of growing in Christ in our everyday life – and flexible to accommodate busy lives.

This accessible and relevant book brings together the motivation and means to create such groups. There is clear and practical material for Bible study and questions to help us intentionally share aspects of everyday Christian discipleship, including relationships and family; character; money, work and time; godly goals and more.

Includes Bible studies on Philippians, Psalms and John’s Gospel.
Separate discussion questions on areas of Christian life.
The final chapter offers a brief insight into one church’s experience of initiating these groups and the encouragement this has been.