Rooting Church Planting in the Story of God

Rooting Church Planting in the Story of God

Church planting is a practice that has long existed in the Christian church; indeed it is as old as the church itself. The narrative of Acts records for us how early Christian communities are formed. Christian communities are formed as people respond to the Gospel. As...
Marks of a Growing Church: Vision

Marks of a Growing Church: Prayer

We are delighted that from now onwards, we’ll be sharing a monthly series of seven video blogs from Alex Harris, in which he shares with us seven marks of growing baptist churches. Here is a short introduction: …and here is the first in the series...
Marks of a Growing Church: Vision

Marks of a Growing Church: Introduction

We are delighted that from April onwards, we’ll be sharing a series of seven video blogs from Alex Harris, in which he shares with us seven marks of growing baptist churches. Here is a short introduction:  
Seeds Of Hope: Adventures In Abbotswood

Seeds Of Hope: Adventures In Abbotswood

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11. This was the verse which was sent to me from a trusted Christian friend just before I made the bold decision to step...