A team of at least 10 of us had an opportunity to spend time on a Seventy-two stand at Spring Harvest this year, either in Harrogate or Minehead.

As the crowds poured out of the teaching and worship sessions each day, we encountered hundreds of individuals who were enthusiastic about listening for what God might be saying through his word.

If you’re reading this because you signed up to receive the Seventy-two newsletter on one of our stands or after Nigel Coles’ seminar then welcome! We hope we can continue the conversation – you can use the comments facility on these articles, join our facebook group Seventy-two, and engage with us on Twitter at @WeAreSeventyTwo.

With more and more about plastic waste in the news, we hope you’re joining in the Coffee Cup Challenge and getting refills in your Seventy-two cup. We hope you’re looking after your furniture too by putting it down carefully on a Discipleship Cycle coaster (Yes, they do work as beer mats too…)

But are you eager to hear God’s word to you?

We all came home from Spring Harvest to a to-do list and I’m sure you did too.

The discipleship cycle is a tool that works well in a small gathering we call a DNA Group. DNA stands for Discipleship, eNgagement, Authenticity, but the crucial bit is to meet regularly with one, two, or three others to see how this process of listening, looking, living, and learning is going. There is sound evidence which tells us that if we share our intention to do anything with another person, it’s more likely to happen. What’s grabbing your attention when you read scripture? Where can you see God already working? What do you need to do next?

If you don’t yet have someone asking you those questions regularly, pray about who they could be and get a date in the diary. If they’d like to sign up to Seventy-two and get our updates on Mission, Discipleship, and Culture, they can do that here. We look forward to hearing how you get on.


The Seventy-two Team